S ∈ C → (T(⟨S⟩) ↔ S)
- More precisely: S ∈ C → (T(⟨S⟩) → S) and S ∈ C → (S → T(⟨S⟩)) from which S ∈ C → (T(⟨S⟩) ↔ S) derives.
- Since: ((P → (Q → R)) ∧ (P → (R → Q))) → (P → (R ↔ Q)) is a Theorem of Classical Logic.
- Is of the form: P → (Q → P) (Weakening) or Type Restriction: (∀S∈C)(T(⟨S⟩) ↔ S).
Observe that if you think T-Scheme is Analytic (necessarily True) then it also follows from Weakening that S ∈ C → (T(⟨S⟩) ↔ S) also is.
Since by the Truth Table semantics for a Material Conditional, an Implication cannot be False if its Consequent is True.
- Specifically: S ∈ C → (T(⟨S⟩) ↔ S) has the following Truth Assignments:
- True, True for Truth Eliminable Sentences
- False, True for Truth Tellers
- And False, False for Truth Opaque Sentences
- With optional extensions to harmonize some Interpretations per Definition 6.5 Truth Normalization.
- That fact makes it very difficult to resist the proposal if you accept the Analyticity of T-Scheme (which nearly everyone does).
- It satisifies Tarski's Undefinability Theorem for the Truth Predicate.
- Blocks McGee's T-Intro step.
- Bacon's 2015 SRT quite plausibly doesn't hold since S ∈ C isn't Diagonalizable.
- S must be a Sentence and not a Name blocking Diagonalization.
- One can only Diagonalize into a Number Theoretic Function (such as a Name Forming Operator per Gödel).
- The Truth Eliminability Sorting Algorithm determines where S ∈ C (or not).
- Requires of a Truth Assertion (Truth Predication) that the content can be presented without a Truth Predicate.
- E.g. - "What they said was True." ("All the sentences they spoke about are True.")
- And those are: "It's sunny today.", "It's hot today.", ...
- Note that an explicit assertion of Truth isn't present in any of those Sentences.
- Yet all content is preserved losslessly.
- Doesn't require that any Sentence receive a specific Truth Value (e.g. - that a Truth Opaque Sentence be Untrue).
- So, Standard Revenge Paradox-Style Sentences do no damage here since they require Entailment to Untruth.
- Why the clause S ∈ C?
- We're in Peano or Robinson Arithmetic after all (per Gödel) which is Second Order Logic (per Quine).
- Set Theory is a dependency and Set Theoretic Sentences are in the theory.
Debug Logging:
(Check the console for runtime/execution time logging.)
Cleared to be run through T-Scheme:
Denied entry to T-Scheme:
(They still receive Truth Values)
- Another variant allows sequences such as the ORIGINAL_UNGROUNDED_EXAMPLE_SEQUENCE to be fully resolved down to Atomic Sentences (such as Q) before ruling on the sequence.
This is also addressed in the original proposal:
- If Q is an Atomic Sentence, then both T(⟨Q⟩) and Q are Grounded provided that Q isn't the Name for T(⟨Q⟩).
- Predicate T above a reserved Predicate Constant that accepts Sentence Names.
- ⟨S⟩ represents the mapping of some Sentence S to its Name.
- E.g. - ⟨S⟩ ≡ P := S returning P.
- So, Predicate T accepts both ⟨S⟩ and P in the example above.